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Entity management platform

Project : Exploring and validating a concept of adding a new area in the Application

Tools and Activities

Research: Discovery User Interviews, Feedback Analysis, Opportunity Solution Tree, Wireframing, Rapid Prototyping, User Validation
Tools: Figma, Miro, FullStory, Pendo. 


March 2023- May 2023

My role

One Product Designer


Athennian is a comprehensive entity management platform created for users in the legal sector, including law firms and legal departments of corporate entities across various jurisdictions. In response to user feedback and industry insights, our team embarked on a conceptual project aiming to address a specific user pain point - KYC request fulfilment.  KYC requests was identified as recurrent and crucial by our users. Through a series of in-depth interviews, we uncovered critical pain points surrounding KYC requests, ultimately leading us to expand the project's scope into the Workspace concept. The solution encompassed Requests (both internal and external, like KYC), a Calendar feature, and an enhanced dashboard.


Users faced significant challenges in understanding and meeting the specific requirements of KYC requesters. The communication around request fulfillment was inefficient. This difficulty was amplified when multiple stakeholders are involved in the request fulfillment process. Users also acknowledged a lack of confidence in the accuracy and reliability of the data they need to share. Users wanted to stay in control of what they disclosure and to what extend.


Based on the discovery user interviews and applying the Opportunity Solution Tree framework (by Teresa Torres), I've come up and the Product team agreed on the following solution: 

  • Introducing an AI-Powered Request Understanding Solution: This AI component utilizes natural language processing (NLP) techniques to analyze request requirements. It extracts key information and comprehends context, enabling accurate identification of the necessary data elements and documents for request fulfillment

  • Improving the Dashboard, which serves as an entry point for customers in the application, allows them to track the work they are involved in

  • Introducing a Calendar: This visual representation of workload across all teams allows customers to filter information based on their specific needs.



Desk Research

We've started with gathering the evidence to support our focus on the KYC problem and reviewing sample forms, shared by our users. This helped in exploring the problem space and scope of the project and identifying important questions and best practices in the field.

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User Interviews:

We continued to talk to users, asking them to walk us through their real-life KYC request fulfillment experiences.

User Personas:
  • In-House Legal Teams: Corporate counsel and compliance officers are responsible for ensuring their company complies with KYC regulations and managing the KYC process for internal and external stakeholders. 

  • Law Firms: Attorneys, paralegals, and legal support staff who handle KYC requests for clients, whether individuals or businesses, during onboarding or transactional processes.

Interview Script
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Data Analysis and Thinking Visualization

We've chosen the Opportunity Solution Tree framework for this project as it is effective for concept exploration and discovery due to its structured approach. It allowed us to map out the problem, consider all potential solutions, and plan experiments. We then prioritized and voted for the solution we were pursuing within the project's constraints.
This framework enabled us to:

  • Capture as many ideas as possible

  • Examine all the ideas we had before investing time and effort

  • Define the outcome you're chasing 

  • Multitrack potential solutions and outcomes to prioritize those that bring the most value

  • Ensure the solutions are aligned with the opportunity and our desired outcome

Overall, the Opportunity Solution Tree stimulated a well-informed decision-making process and facilitated clear communication of our rationale to other teams.

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To price the potential solution more effectively and also ensure it aligns with our target market's perception of value, we've conducted Customers Willingness to Pay Testing. We've included the questions to test willingness to pay into some of the user interviews, as well as we've run an in-app survey.

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User Flow

The substantial amount of user research data gave me a real grasp of how users navigate through the KYC process and their main pain points. I was able to design an initial User Flow that addresses their needs and maximizes usability.

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Low Fidelity Wireframes


Through the extensive user research and application of the Opportunity Solution Tree framework, we've come up with a vision of a comprehensive solution that not only streamlines KYC request fulfillment but also enhances overall workflow efficiency.

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